Friday, October 12, 2012

Week in Review 10/9 - 10/12

  1. We ran our first 9 laps and 50 ft around the field. This was one mile. AC & MW
  2. We are starting to learn about electricity in science. WS
  3. We played Jeopardy in Science to review what we learned about magnetism. Team 1, won it all! GS & AA
  4. We just got our new words in word study. We did not have a spelling test, but we are trying to use these spelling patterns in our writing. KC & FH
  5. We are learning about arrays in math. We are trying to focus on using open arrays to see how they can help us multiply easier facts and harder facts. We learned that we can halve and double our facts to make the problem easier to solve! MW, DS, & HP
  6. We had our depot party yesterday and we had a lot of fun! The food cost money! CV
  7. We have new math partners! Ask us about them! CV
  8. We watched Bill Nye the Science Guy and learned about magnetism and Compass Man! RB
  9. We gained our first compliment in two weeks. We need to work on our transitions still. MA & MW
  10. We have been praciticing for our push up, curl up, and flexibility tests in gym. CO
  11. In Ida B, we just found out Ida B's mom has cancer. Her mom has lumps under her arm. Ida B is scared that her mom will die and leave her, but her mom told her, "I will always be with you no matter what." Ida B has to stand up and start helping around the house. She is also going to have to grow up quicker. AN, FD, RB
  12. In writing we started to learn about timelines to help us plan out our story. Timelines are helpful to eliminate parts that aren't interesting. They are also helpful in adding events in the order they happened. KC

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