Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30th

Read 30 minutes (or more).


Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

X-tra Math Log- Starting today, we will be using a math log to keep track of the time we play on 
X-tra Math throughout the week. You will need to play at least 3 sessions each week at home. You need  to date each time you play and get a parent signature to confirm your played that day. Logs are due every Friday.

Xtra-Math Log: Xtra Math Log

Practice your multiplication facts.

Field Trip $$ Due Friday, October 10th
Original Drawing for Yearbook Due Friday, October 24th

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29th

Read 30 minutes (or more).


Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**
Catch Up work- Tomorrow, we are moving on in the writing process. Tonight, you will need to create your own writing assignment. By tomorrow, everyone needs to be finished organizing for drafting. Use your checklists to help you!

X-tra math
Practice your multiplication facts.

Field Trip $$ Due Friday, October 10th

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 26

Read 30 minutes (or more) each day over the weekend.


Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Practice your multiplication facts.


Week In Review

September 22- September 26
Gym LA, DD, SS
  • We practiced curl up and push ups for our fitness test.
  • We played soccer and practiced dribbling.
  • We are practicing for the mile run.

Word Study PF, CB, RH, DD, KP, JK
  • We got our first words for word study.
  • Our words are high frequency words and we also got to choose some challenge words.
  • We learned how to write our words in ABC order, open word sort, spelling and math put together, and ten spelling sentences.
  • We learned how to sort our words and explain why they are sorted that way,

Writing LB, JB, KN
  • We started to organize ourselves to collect different materials to support our thesis. We are using different colored folders to show our different reasons.
  • We learned how to write different types of evidence: lists and mini stories.
  • We went through all of our evidence and made revisions! We highlighted parts that matched and supported our thesis and cut out parts that didn't. We added more to our mini stories and lists to make it strong!
Math LB, KN, DD, RH, AP, KP
  • We made a math proof for the problem we are working on: How many six-packs fit in the iced tea machine if the machine holds 132 bottles. How many full boxes (boxes hold 10 six-packs) fit in the machine.
  • With our partners, we used multiplication to help us solve the problem. We learned that we can use small facts to help us with bigger problems. We learned to use a ten!
  • We are starting to use xtra math,
  • We are learning to craft a POWERFUL PROOF!
  • At home, we have been practicing our multiplication facts and factors.

Reading AR, DD, LB, PD, KN, OC JC, TN
  • Today we had Fiction Friday and we shared our reading goals with our partners. We talked about what is going well and the struggles we are having. Our partners helped us out!
  • We have been reading nonfiction and jotting down main ideas and supporting details.
  • In the library, we learned the difference between narrative nonfiction and expository nonfiction. Narrative nonfiction tells a story, while expository teaches us lots of facts. Some texts are hybrid!
  • We are pushing ourselves to write summaries about our nonfiction texts.
  • We are learning to use transition words to connect ideas together in our summaries.
  • We had a show what you know day... we showed Miss Sproch all we know about nonfiction!
  • We are continuing to shop for JR books.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24th

Read 30 minutes (or more) each day.


Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**
Today we learned that writer's get ready for drafting by organizing their materials (their mini-stories and lists). Today we learned that one way writer's do this is by making sure our evidence actually supports our thesis. 

Another way writer's organize for drafting is to make sure they have enough evidence to prove why their thesis is true. Tonight, as a writer, you will determine if you have enough evidence for each support/folder. Do you have enough mini stories and lists to prove why your thesis statement and support is true? If not, spend some time tonight collecting more evidence (mini stories/lists) to prove your thesis.

Practice your multiplication facts.
Factor Worksheet

Second Steps, Due FRIDAY, 9/26

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23rd

Read 30 minutes (or more) each day.

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**
Tonight, you need to make sure that you have a total of 3 lists, one list for EACH folder/bullet/reason.

Miss Sproch's Example: List Example from Mini Lesson

Practice your multiplication facts.
Xtra math only if  you took pre-assessment at school.

Second Steps, Due FRIDAY, 9/26

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22nd

Read 30 minutes (or more) each day.

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**
Write another mini-story (You should have a total of 3-4 mini stories- one for each of your folders)
Anchor Chart Zoom in on: How to Write A Mini-Story
Anchor Chart Zoom in on: Ingredients for Mini Story
Example Brainstorming Mini Stories: Brainstorming Essays
Example of Mini Story: Example of Mini Story

Practice your multiplication facts.
Xtra math only if  you took pre-assessment at school.

Second Steps, Due FRIDAY, 9/26

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19th

Read 25 minutes (or more) each day over the weekend. Next week we are bumping up 

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Practice your multiplication facts.
Xtra math only if  you took pre-assessment at school.

Share your week in review with your parents.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18th

Read 25 minutes (or more) 

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Practice your multiplication facts.
Xtra math only if  you took pre-assessment at school.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th

Read 25 minutes (or more) 

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Practice your multiplication facts..


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th

Read 25 minutes (or more) 

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Share your math assessment with your parents. Have them sign the top and return it tomorrow.
Practice your multiplication facts..


Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th

Read 25 minutes (or more) 

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**

Unit 1, page 26 & 31
Practice your multiplication facts..


Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12th

Read 25 minutes (or more) each day over the weekend.

Keep track of your reading using your log.

Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!

**This weekend, sit down with your reading log and share your reading life with a parent. Together, talk about what you notice is happening in your reading life. What is going well? What are you struggling with? Use the rubric on the bottom to guide you in thinking about your reading life. Together, complete the rubric and set a specific goal for next week. (What is it that you want to work and how will go about achieving it?) Remember, we all have our "good days" and "bad days" and sometimes are faced with struggles from time to time. It is important to honestly recognize these struggles so we can learn how to overcome them.**

Practice your multiplication facts each day over the weekend.

We did not have time to write a week in review this week, but you can tell them all about our week! Talk to your parents about what you learned in school this week!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11th

  • Read 25 minutes (or more).
  • Keep track of your reading using your log.
  • Keep track of your thinking- Create a section in your notebook for your fiction reading where you can keep all your thinking for each book you read!
  • none

  • Unit 1, page 17 & 18

  • Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10th

  • Read 25 minutes (or more).
  • Keep track of your reading using your log.
  • Keep track of your thinking- Create a section in your notebook for your fiction                    reading where you can keep all your thinking for each book you read!

  • Unit 1, page 21 & 22

  • Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th

  • Read 25 minutes (or more).
  • Keep track of your reading using your log.
  • Keep track of your thinking- Create a section in your notebook for your fiction                    reading where you can keep all your thinking for each book you read!


  • None

  • Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th

READING: Read 25 minutes (or more) each day over the weekend.
                     Keep track of your reading using your log.
                     Keep track of your thinking- Create a section in your notebook for your fiction                                       reading where you can keep all your thinking for each book you read!
WRITING: Writing HW(see link): Session 4: Writing HW Elaboration
                     Anchor Chart (see link): Thought Prompts to Push Our Thinking

MATH: Unit 1, Page 7 & 8

OTHER: Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12
                 Picture Day is tomorrow! Tuesday, September 9th.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th

READING: Read 25 minutes (or more) each day over the weekend.
                     Keep track of your reading using your log.
                     Keep track of your thinking- Create a section in your notebook for your fiction                                       reading where you can keep all your thinking for each book you read!

MATH: none

OTHER: Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12
                 Picture Day is Tuesday, September 9th.

Week in Review

September 2nd- September 5th

Music SS, LB, LA

  • In music, we played on the xylophones.
  • We organized our recorders and put them in Miss Sproch's bin.
  • We learned a song about xylophones, glockenspiels, and metallophones 

Writing AR, CB, JB, AM, PD,

  • We learned how to brainstorm ideas for essays
  • We had an Essay Bootcamp to help us learn the structure of essays
  • We wrote an on demand essay that had a thesis and support
  • We wrote a class essay and our thesis was, "I love ice cream."
  • We revised our very first on demands and made revisions after going through Bootcamp.

Reading LB, PF, AR, DD, RH, KN, JK

  • We are reading NF articles and learning to read for main ideas and supporting details.
  • We are learning to use boxes and bullets to help us organize our MI and supporting details of the texts we are reading.
  • We learned that before we read any text we need to REV UP our minds by looking at text features and preparing ourselves for what we might learn,
  • We are learning to choose just right books.
  • We are pushing ourselves to shop for a NOW book, and our NEXT TWO so we always have something to read at all times.
  • We are setting goals by looking at our reading logs and pushing ourselves to make sure we are working towards achieving our goals! Ask us about our reading goals!

Math AR, LB, DD, RH, LA, CB, DD, TN, KN

  • We are learning about arrays and made math posters. We got a number and we had to find all possible arrays and factors.
  • We also are talking about fact families.
  • We are continuing to warm up our math minds with our math warm ups! Our favorite is Quick Images!
  • We using our math books to help us with math.
  • We had our first gallery walk of our arrays and factors.
  • We learned about prime numbers and that 2 is the only even prime number.
  • We learned about square numbers! Square numbers have arrays that have the same dimension (ex: 16 is a square number 4 X 4)
  • We discussed area and perimeter.
  • We learned how to find factors of numbers. Kathleen and Brenton taught us a helpful strategy to make sure we have them all! Start small and work up to target number!
  • We have been doing unit pages from our "phonebook."
Workshop AR, KP, AM, JC
  • During workshop, we can work on reading, writing, math or something we need to catch up on from our earlier workshops.
  • We can shop for just right books during this time, too!
  • We learned how to prioritize the work that needs to get done.
  • We have a catch up folder to put the work that we need to finish.
Spanish AR, LB, KP, JW, 
  • We learned how to say when we were born in Spanish.
  • We learned about worry dolls.
  • We passed around the Mexican Mouse, Speedy Gonzalez, and we had to say our name in Spanish, and ask someone else what their name is.
  • Senora Guillen shared a Costa Rican coffee maker from Costa Rica.
  • We read a book called, Silly Billy and it was about Billy being worried.
Team Building OC, KN, CB
  • We learned about empathy and how to show respect to everyone.
  • We watched a video to help us understand how to respect others and to have empathy.
  • Empathy is being able to step into someone's shoes and see/understand how others may be feeling.
  • We had a whole school assembly about following the Ox Ridge Code. We talked about being respectful to all.

We were able to survive the heat this week. Good thing Miss Sproch bought an extra fan to help keep us cool!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th

READING: Read 25 minutes (or more).
                     Keep track of your reading using your log.
                     Keep track of your thinking.
WRITING: Collecting Ideas for Essays
                     Please see link for more information: Collecting Essay Ideas HW
                     Collecting Ideas for Essays Chart: Collecting Essay Ideas?

MATH: worksheet Multiplication fact families

OTHER: Me Box (see sheet) - DUE FRIDAY, 9/5
                Second Steps - Due Friday, 9/12
                Picture Day is Tuesday, September 9th.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd

READING: Read 25 minutes (or more).
                     Keep track of your reading using your log.
                     Keep track of your thinking.
WRITING: Revising and Redrafting to Meet Personal Goals
                     Please see link for more information: Bootcamp Revising & Editing
                     Essay Bootcamp Chart: Essay Bootcamp Chart

MATH: PB; Unit 1, page 3

OTHER: Me Box (see sheet) - DUE FRIDAY, 9/5

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd

READING: Read 25 minutes (or more).
                     Keep track of your reading using your log.
                     Keep track of your thinking.

MATH: none

OTHER: Me Box (see sheet) - DUE FRIDAY, 9/5