Monday, April 29, 2013

Homework April 29- May 3

Read for 35+ minutes in your JUST RIGHT book and log at HOME each day . Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having and IDEAS you are growing. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.
  • Golden and Diamond Jots!

Use Booksource or Scholastic Book Wizard to create a list of non-fiction JR books within your topic. Start gathering these books!

Write down questions that you need to further research for your historical writing.  Fold your paper in half with the questions on one side and answers on the other.
Here are some of the ideas we brainstormed in class: clothing, transportation, technology, homes, jobs, responsibilities, important names, important key words used in your era
Here are some helpful resources:
50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox.
Math Moment-remember to extend your math moment! and Journals Due Monday!

Social Studies

Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework 4/22 - 4/26

Read for 35+ minutes in your JUST RIGHT book and log at HOME each day . Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having and IDEAS you are growing. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.

Read to your goal for historical fiction first, then read from your JR fiction side book.
Make sure that you are prepared for your book club meeting by jotting:
  • the setting-what does it look like and feel like
  • is trouble brewing?
  • creating a bulletin board
  • creating a timeline of Personal and Historical events- how are these events impacting your character? How is your character responding to these events?
  • what are you learning about your era
  • characters
  • Various perspectives
  • lens of power
Use Booksource or Scholastic Book Wizard to create a list of non-fiction JR books within your topic. Start gathering these books!

50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox.
Math Moment-remember to extend your math moment! and Journals Due Monday!

Social Studies
Finish any research on your topic of interest in the Midwest.
We are starting to write this week!

Field Trip $$ Due Friday!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week in Review 4/ 8 - 4/12

  1. In science, we finished up all the experiments with Mrs. Rongoe and we are going to move next to Mrs. Wein to learn about Land and Water. Our last experiment that we finished yesterday was to finish seeing how fast our cars would go if we put a certain amount of washers on the paperclip and a certain amount of blocks on the vehicle. The last thing we did was take apart our vehicles. FH, RB, MW, NL
  2. On Monday, we had scientists come from the Darien High School come in and they talked about making wind mills to help us get energy to go to Mars. We experimented with different types of fans to find out which one would produce the most energy. The reason why we made the experiement using the wind turbines was because Mars has a lot of wind. Wind would be an important energy source for us if we ever go to Mars. Someone is interested in privately funding this journey and he is interested in finding a couple to go together, travel for 2 years (one year there and one year back plus time spent on Mars) and share a small tight capsule. They want to first send a rocket halfway to Mars so they can replenish food, fuel, and supplies if needed. They are choosing a couple because they know they will be able to stay together for two years. AC, HP, MW, AA, DS
  3. We had our Poetry Palooza on Wednesday and everyone had a chance to share their poems in front of the classroom. Miss Sproch brought in treats to enjoy while listening to the poems. We drank special drinks out of coffee cups! After a poet finished reading, we snapped our fingers or used jazz hands to celebrate their writing. We picked 4-5 poems to publish and decorate to share with all the writers in the class. AN, KC, HP, DS, WS, JW
  4. We are having our Spring Party today and we are going to do a craft and have treats! CV
  5. In math, we made our own portfolios of our goals. We included our goal, why we set these goals, and how we are working towards achieving them or maintaining them. We conferenced with Miss Sproch to make sure we included all important information to show how we are working towards our goal. Some people chose to create a portfolio using a folder and some created their portfolio in the back oftheir math notebooks. These goals are important because we are pushing ourselves to think about what we need to work on as mathematicians moving forward in order to be the best that we can be! MA, GS, HP, FH, CO
  6. In social studies we are researching our Midwest topics and collecting information to become experts. We are going to use this information to write and article and make some sort of magazine about the Midwest. HS, KC
  7. On Tuesday, Ms. Kriebs came to our school. She is an author and also she was Mrs. McGettigans mentor teacher. She wrote about colonial workers such as colonial doctor, shipwright, lighthouse keeper, indigo planter, miller, and a sail maker. In one of the stories we learned that indigo planters used urine to help indigo grow faster. It also turned it blue! When the indigo turned blue, people used this to dye their clothes a very bright blue. AA, FH, DS, MW, HP
  8. In reading we are working on reading slower and reading more actively to think deeper about our characters and stories. We are reading through a lens of POWER to see which characters are powerful and powerless and sometimes neutral. We learned that people aren't powerful becasue of the "things" they have, but rather the strength they have inside. We are also working noticing the different characters and their perspectives on a situation--how are they feeling or reacting to a situation/problem. KC, FH, GS, HP, RB
  9. In Number the Stars, Ellen is temporarily living with the Johansens because the Nazi soldiers have collected a list of Jewish names from all the synagogues in Denmark and where the live. Peter helped Ellen's parents find another place because the Johansens can only hide one person. NL
  10. In Rose Blanche, we determined the powerful and powerless characters by using a power scale. We figured out most of the people that have weapons or objects to help them do stuff are not powerful becasue without these things they would have no power. Rose Blanche was powerful because she brought food to the Jewish people in the concentration camp, didn't eat as much food as she could and was giving her food away. They mayor wasn't powerful because even though he had authority, he didn't use his power to help others. Lastly, the mayor is also selfish because he tells the soldiers that he will support them as long as they don't take away his authority rather than helping the people who need help and actually doing something good with his authority. FD GS

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework for the Week 4/8 - 4/12

Read for 35+ minutes in your JUST RIGHT book and log at HOME each day . Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having and IDEAS you are growing. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.

Read to your goal for historical fiction first, then read from your JR fiction side book.
Make sure that you are prepared for your book club meeting by jotting:
  • the setting-what does it look like and feel like
  • is trouble brewing?
  • creating a bulletin board
  • creating a timeline of Personal and Historical events- how are these events impacting your character? How is your character responding to these events?
  • what are you learning about your era
  • characters
Use Booksource or Scholastic Book Wizard to create a list of non-fiction JR books within your topic. Start gathering these books!

Poems need to be published by Wednesday!

50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox.
Math Moment-remember to extend your math moment! and Journals Due Monday!

Social Studies
Gather research materials for your topic of interest in the Midwest.
We are starting to write this week!

Field Trip $$ Due Friday!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week in Review April 2- April 5

  1. We had an assembly this morning about folk music. We listened and learned about this type of music. The person who came in was previously here in the beginning of the year and played the fiddle. We learned that a lot of the music was played a LONG time ago... like 500 years! RB, FH, GS
  2. In gym we started something new called Alligator Island.  We went on a rope and swung to the mat on the other side. If we touched the floor, everyone has to go back to the end of the line and do it again until everyone makes it across to the mat. Hayden had so much fun that he fractured his growth plate :( We are hoping he has a speedy recovery! We all had to work together to help one another get to the mat by grabbing their hands or leg. RB, AA, NL, HP, HS, CV
  3. In writing workshop, we are writing any last poems that we may want to publish. We are also working on eliminating stale words from our poems. We are going to celebrate our poems by having a Poetry Palooza in class. AA, NL
  4. In science we just finished an assignment where you attach a string to your vehicle. There are washers attached to a paperclip. We are timing our vehicles to see how fast they will go. We have to log what the times were and we have to do it 5 times. We use different colors to log our times. We have to figure out what our average time is. AA, HS
  5. In math, we had a gallery walk and looked at other mathematician's proof. We commented on their strategies and looked for similiarities and differences. After our gallery work, we started creating a combination chart. We have a graph paper and we are trying to prove how many different fence lengths we can make using 6 foot pieces and 8 foot pieces of fence. WS, RB, MA
  6. In reading workshop, we are continuing to read in book clubs. We have been talking about our books within our clubs. Miss Sproch joined one of the book clubs and talked about the book with us and it was a lot of fun. Miss Sproch is also joining another group today! We set new goals for our reading because our original goals were set too high and we were speeding through our books. We now have a more realistic goal that will help us to read deeper and jot down all of our thoughts. We are thinking about our character's timeline (personal timeline) and historical timeline. For example, in WWII people are being sent to concentration camps while our characters are struggling with having enough electricity. This shows the impact of the war not only on the Jewish, but also everyday people.JW, AA, AC
  7.  In our read aloud, Number the Stars, Annemarie is worried about the soldiers taking over Denmark. They have started shutting down stores because some of the store owners are Jewish. There was a German sign on the button shop store and this is important because the Germans are starting to really take over. Annemarie's family is worried and nervous for the Rosens... we think they might be Jewish. Peter came to bring the girls seashells and we think they are going to tell them information about where the Hirsch family has gone. This was unusual for him to come because there was a curfew in Denmark and people were not allowed to go out after 8 pm, so this must be important! We realize that during WWII people react to this war in different ways. For example, Kirsti thinks that the Hirsch's went on vacation to the beach while Annemarie replies sarcastically, "Yeah, and they brought a basket of pink frosted cupcakes too!" This shows that Kirsti is young, clueless, and innocent, while Annemarie is responsible, understands what is going on and is growing up quickly! DS, AC, RB, GS, KC, AA, MW
  8. In social studies we are still collecting information for our travel articles. We will finish them up hopefully before break. CO
  9. We had a Safe Talk this week. They talked about being aware of strangers and their tricks. They did a lot of plays for us and showed us how to respond to different situations. For example, they showed us a play about a kid getting bullied on the bus. The next play was about a kid getting bullied and his friend standing up for him. This taught us to stick up for our friends and we are stronger in numbers. We also got a chance to take part in the plays. We learned that we have the right to be Strong, Safe, and Free. We also learned to not let other people make us feel uncomfortable and speak up, and lastly never get too close to a stranger. HA, GS, AA, FH
  10. Miss Sproch started something new... instead of the model citizen chart there is something called "The Board." If you call out or are not listening with attention or something else you may find your name on the board! HP

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Homework for the Week

Read for 35+ minutes in your JUST RIGHT book and log at HOME each day . Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having and IDEAS you are growing. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.

Read to your goal for historical fiction first, then read from your JR fiction side book.
Make sure that you are prepared for your book club meeting by jotting:
  • the setting-what does it look like and feel like
  • is trouble brewing?
  • creating a bulletin board
  • creating a timeline of Personal and Historical events- how are these events impacting your character? How is your character responding to these events?
  • what are you learning about your era
  • characters
Use Booksource or Scholastic Book Wizard to create a list of non-fiction JR books within your topic. Start gathering these books!

Catch up if needed

50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox.
Math Moment-remember to extend your math moment! and Journals Due Monday!

Social Studies
Gather research materials for your topic of interest in the Midwest.
We will start writing next week!

Field Trip $$