Friday, September 27, 2013

Week In Review 9/23 -9/27

  1. In reading workshop we have been studying our characters and thinking about their character traits. We are all jotting about characters trying to grow theories about them. We noticed that some character traits match well with others. We have been working on noticing when our characters are not acting like themselves and then we jot down a new theory about them. We use the prompt, "I used to think.... but now I think..." We also went back and revisited our reading goal to see the progress we are making towards achieving them. ML, ET, CR, SL, OP, JW
  2. In writing workshop, we edited our pieces and realize that as writers we have important tools that we carry with us: spelling, punctuation, and tenses. We finished up our realistic fiction drafts and starting thinking about titles for our stories. We are now in the publishing phase of the writing process.  KL, WV, CH
  3. In math, we started a new investigation. There was talk in the teacher's lounge that there might be a field trip to an amusement park. There are 100 kids and thirteen chaperones. We had to figure out how many students would be in each group. We tried to make even groups, but since we couldn't halve numbers we realized that some groups would be uneven. We are always thinking about new strategies to help us with our math. We are learning to use open arrays flexibly when multiplying numbers. We realized that we can split numbers and add on to our array to make it easier to solve. We are starting our math proof today! We played the game, "Fill the Machine" with our math partners. It helped us to learn how to use arrays. AT, WD, JW, TS, PD
  4. In gym, we are still playing soccer and working on the fitness test and mile run. WT, AP
  5. We came in this morning and were extremely excited to read all the letters from our parents! SM
  6. We had a substitute this week and she helped us learn for the day! LM
  7. 5 people have been caught in the "I caught you jar." Wyatt won this week! CH, WJ
  8. We read the Tiger Rising and Rob is the main character. We are growing different theories about him. CC
  9. In art, we are drawing eagles in honor of Veteran's Day. CW

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