Friday, March 7, 2014

Week in Review 3/3/ - 3/7

So, we realize that it has been a while since we shared our week in review. We thought it was time to get back into the swing of sharing our week with you! Please read about our week!
  1. In writing workshop, we just finished our essay unit. Today, we wrote an on demand to show all that we learned from the unit. We also took a preassessment for our next writing unit, which is informational writing. We celebrated our essay unit by annotating our essays. The third grade classes are going to use them as mentor texts to help them write their own literary essays! We learned to write personal essays, persuasive essays, literary essays, and compare and contrast essays. GF, AT, ET, WT, JW
  2. In reading, we are reading nonfiction about the American Revolution. We are becoming experts on topics within the American Revolution, and we are going to teach other classes the big ideas we have about our topics. Students from Mrs. Rongoe's class came to teach us about the Battle of Trenton. We are studying topics in small groups that we are studying with. This was our last week of researching, next week we are going to start putting together our presentations. We are getting ready to teach by coming up with big ideas and organizing them using a structure that makes sense (compare contrast, cause and effect, T-chart, boxes/bullets, problem/solution, or timeline).  ML, AP, OP, SL, AT, KL, CH, WJ, WT
  3. In gym we played volleyball and we are learning how to set, and do forearm passes. The hardest part is keeping the ball in control. CW, WJ
  4. In math we have been learning how to multiply fractions. We are using the number line and pictures to help us solve and prove our thinking. We learned how to multiply whole numbers by fractions, and how to turn an improper fractions into a mixed number. CR, LM, PD, 
  5. We changed desks today! WV
  6. We played 7-Up and 4-Corners today! AT
  7. We got another potato head piece because we transitioned from lunch quietly without reminders. GF

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