Friday, November 15, 2013

Week in Review

1. We earned three more pieces to Mrs. Potato head... that means only 1 more piece to earn our party! GF
2. In gym we took the pacer test, played dodgeball, and sit. This was our last pacer test! WT
3. In reading workshop, we went to the library to search for narrative nonfiction books. We are starting a new bend in nonfiction reading, we learned how to read expository and now we are going to learn how to read narrative. We talked about how we can use strategies from reading fiction and apply it to reading narrative nonfiction. We can still use boxes and bullets, notice our characters, notice a repeating idea, and achievement and struggles.PD, GF, OP
4. We went to the Connecticut Science Museum. There was a hurricane tube that had a fan that created high speeds (78 mph) to recreate what it feels like to be in a real hurricane. WJ & DM
5. In writing, we are creating mini stories to use as evidence to support our reasons. We also just finished publishing our independent writing projects.We are organizing our essays with an envelope and file folders to show our thesis and supports. We will put the evidence for each support in the appropriate file folder to help keep us organized. We shared our independent reading projects with our partners. Our partners helped us use a checklist to notice skills we are using and skills we are not using. We then set goals for our next project together. We even started brainstorming fiction ideas for our next realistic fiction writing project. ML, AP, ET, AT, CH
6. In math we made a partner proof to show that two equations can be equal. We talked about the "Sharing is Caring" strategy. We also talked about the algorithm for addition and how it works. We found out that you can use the algorithm in two different ways, the U.S. algorithm and the "other" algorithm. We also talked about the importance of making our math thinking clear and concise so other mathematicians can follow each step we take. SL, CH, WJ, GF, WD

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