Friday, August 30, 2013

Week in Review 8/26 -8/30

  1. In reading workshop we set goals for ourselves so we can improve as readers and be the best that we can be! . We had to make a plan to help us reach our goal. Some of us created trackers to help keep track of our progress. For example, some made calendars, charts, and sections in our reading notebooks.  We also have been trying to find just right books for ourselves e talked a lot about what a just right book is and talked with partners about whether our book was just right or not. We tested out our books to see if they were just right by reading to them. Our partners had to research if we were reading a just right book by seeing if we read smoothly, fluently, and accurately! We then had to retell. We learned about interactive read aloud by reading the book, "The Three Questions." We are also working on jotting down any thoughts we are having while we are reading. GF, CW, AT, CH, OP, SL, WJ, PD, WV, ET
  2. We celebrated Keara's birthday today with her mom, dad, sister, and friend! 
  3. We have been getting to know one another in class. We played a game with a ball of string where we tossed the ball to a friend across from us. Each time we tossed the ball of string we had to say something unique about ourselves. In the end it made a spiderweb! We learned that we are all unique in different ways and we have to work together as one class. We played another game called, "Three lies and one truth." We also decorated our own Coat of Arms, which holds the people and things we hold near and dear to our hearts. We created a time capsule, which is going to be locked away until the very last day of school. Lastly, we did a word search to get to know everyone's name in the class. AT, OP, SL, CH, WJ, ET, LM
  4. We have been sharing our summer reading with the class. WD
  5. Mrs. Doty came in and we did a count around. The next time we had math, we used Mrs. Party Potato head during our count around for good luck to help remind us the importance of working together as one class! We earned two pieces...8 more pieces to go until we earn a PAAAAAARTY! CC, TS, SL, CW,
  6. In gym we played mat ball and sit. WT
    In writing, we wrote an on demand prompt about a true story from our lives. We also had a spelling test and we made sure to try our best! We had a decorating party and decorated our writer's notebooks.  ML, SM, KL

    This is is our first week of school and this is our first week in review and we accidentally deleted our first one! (but fortunately, it secretely saved as a draft and Miss Sproch found it while we were in music!) DM , Miss Sproch

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