Friday, October 5, 2012

Week in Review 10/1 - 10/5

  1. We are voting for our class representatives for student council. RB
  2. We finished our math road trip. We zoomed in on one day of our trip and made a poster to show our math thinking. We had a gallery walk, where we walked around the classroom, looked at other mathematician's posters, and left comments. We used these comments from our fellow mathematicians to check for accuracy, add information needed to make our stategies clear to a stranger. We self reflected on ourselves as mathematicians using a rubric. AA, HS, FH, HP
  3. We practiced for our push-up test in gym. CO
  4. We celebrated two birthdays this week. GS
  5. We started Dreambox this week during workshop time. Dreambox is a place that we can work on math and earn coins to get prizes. MW
  6. We are having our second mystery reader today... Who will it be? AC
  7. We finished our first week of word study and now we actually have our real sorts! FD
  8. In writing workshop we are working on our discovery drafts. A discovery draft is where we keep our eyes on the paper and write fast and strong. We are trying to make our endings leave a lasting impression by including important actions, dialogue, whole story reminder, and images. WS, MA, HP
  9. In reading workshop we talked about why our reading log is important to us and how it can help us to become the best readers we can be! DS
  10. We started a new read aloud called, "Ida B." She is homeschooled. We learned in a flashback that her parents put her in a "real" school and she doesn't know how to act or behave. Her teacher isn't calling her by her nickname that she likes and she doesn't know how she is going to survive kindergarten. Ida B also talked to trees and brooks. We thought this was unusual, and we are wondering if she is lonely or alone. JW, AA
  11. Mr. Cornwall visited our classroom this morning. It was so nice to see him! AN
  12. We have been working on making connections to our books. We made a connection to Ida B when Ida B got in trouble and her mother said, "Ida B. Applewood!." Some of our parents use our full names when they want to get our attention. MA
  13. We reflected on ourselves as readers and we got a bookmark to remind us how to make reading the best it can be! GS
  14. Miss Sproch followed the rules and made us wear a sticker that said, "Time to order a yearbook!" EVERYONE!

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