Wednesday, March 14, 2012

HOMEWORK 3/14 -3/16 (Wednesday - Friday)

Homework will be a little different this week, so please make sure to check each night.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

1.READING: Remember each night you are required to read for a total of 35 minutes.
Please read up to your groups assignment and no further.
Take note of how much you were able to read within this time. Logging each night will help you monitor this! Remember to date each entry and fill in ALL spaces EACH time you read.
As you read, remind yourself to stop and jot either on Post-Its or in your reading notebook in order to prepare for your book club meeting.

2. MATH- Your goal this week is to play 30 minutes of math games.
Look back on previous math homework. What do you feel like you need more practice in? Multiplication Fact practice? Fractions? Decimals? Symmetry? Others?
Choose games that are just right for you.

3. SOCIAL STUDIES - Take the time to look over your notes on your midwest state. What information do you still need to find? History/Geography/Civics/Government? Use these websites to help locate the information you are missing.
                (look on left side panel for your state)


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