Monday, August 31, 2015
Welcome back 4th Graders! You will find your
homework on the blog most days, except if there is a technology glitch, and in
that case I will inform you another way. As a responsible 4th grader, your job
is to write down the homework in your homework assignment pad every day. Your
assignment pad is a tool that you can use to:
• help you pack up all the materials you will need
for homework
• remind you of the work you will need to complete
once you arrive at home
• provide you with a checklist of things to be
completed each night (you know your homework is complete when you have
completed each assignment and checked it off your "To Do" list!
Here are your very first homework assignments:
READING: Read and keep track of
your reading life.
In your Reader’s Notebook develop your own
tool/system to keep track of your life as a reader. Think about everything you have learned as a
reader up until this point in time:
- How long did you read?
- What thinking work did you do while reading?
- What worked well as a reader?
- What didn’t work well as a reader and what could you do next time to make your reading session even better?
prepared to share your reading life with a partner tomorrow.
MATH: none
your parents our class blog
any important notices/mail with your parents
Field Trip Permission Slip- DUE FRIDAY, 9/4
Bring in a summer souvenir- DUE TOMORROW
Bring in headphones to keep in desk DUE FRIDAY, 9/4
Bring in headphones to keep in desk DUE FRIDAY, 9/4