Wednesday, December 23, 2015

HOMEWORK 12/23 Over the Break!

Reading: Read over the break and challenge yourself to complete the MARSHMALLOW CHALLENGE


Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Reading: Read 30 minutes, log, jot
             Work on holiday reading plan
Ask your parents for some ideas for reading challenges and try to fill in all your marshmallows (the more options you have, the more you have to choose from!)

Writing: Holiday Essay Draft due tomorrow!

Math: Xtra Math-Two sessions (Tonight and Tuesday) DUE Wednesday

Typing Club-Two sessions (Tonight and Tuesday) DUE Wednesday

Monday, December 21, 2015

HOMEWORK 12/21/15

Reading: Read 30 minutes, log, jot
             Work on their holiday reading plan

Writing: Holiday Essay should be completely planned.
             Drafting- They should have the majority of essay drafted (Intro-At least 3rd Reason)

Math- Xtra Math-Two sessions (Tonight and Tuesday) DUE Wednesday

Typing Club-Two sessions (Tonight and Tuesday) DUE Wednesday

Friday, December 18, 2015

Homework 12/18/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:


Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 21st

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 21st 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Homework 12/17/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:

Finish planning your boxes and bullets for your compare and contrast essay. DUE TOMORROW!

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 21st

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 21st 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Homework 12/16/15 


We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:




Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 21st


Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 21st 

*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

SAFETY PATROL- Share information with your parents and return to Miss Sproch or Ms. Newkirk by Thursday, December 17th

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Homework 12/15/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:


Unit 3, page 44
Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 21st

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 21st 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

SAFETY PATROL- Share information with your parents and return to Miss Sproch or Ms. Newkirk by Thursday, December 17th

Monday, December 14, 2015

Homework 12/14/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:


Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 21st

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 21st 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

SAFETY PATROL- Share information with your parents and return to Miss Sproch or Ms. Newkirk by Thursday, December 17th

Friday, December 11, 2015

Homework 12/11/15 Weekend HW
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:


Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 14th 

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 14th 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

SAFETY PATROL- Share information with your parents and return to Miss Sproch or Ms. Newkirk by Thursday, December 17th
December 7th- December 11th

Geography Bee:
  • We are currently on the last couple of rounds of our class geography bee. Stay tuned for the winner of our class bee! JW
  • We measured how tall we were using multiple towers. We measured our height in the number of multiples we were! AD
  • We are working on our multiplication facts. We used our multiplication cards to figure out which ones we know and which ones we need to work on. We are working on them! GG
  • We are continuing to learn about factors, prime numbers, and multiples. BW
  • We talked about which  number had more factors, 24 or 25? We determined that a larger number does NOT mean that it will have more factors than a SMALLER number. LK
  • We did a count around and noticed how the multiples of 3 and 30 are similiar! The multiples of 30 are ten times greater than the multiples of 3! AA
  • Miss Sproch gave us some holiday math problems to work on. BV
  • We are learning to work WITH our partners, instead of NEXT to our partners. WM & BV
Hour of Code:
  • We learned about computer programming and coding. Sarah Judd, a computer scientist, came in to teach us all about programming. CL
  • We watched a video of how you could program robots to play soccer. We also got to see the inside world of working at Google. Did you know they have a ball pit? It's weird, but it's true! CH
  • We finished editing and revising our literary essays! CN
  • We used a checklist to help us look at our pieces using different lenses. VS
  • We drafted leads and endings. We studied a mentor essay and noticed what that writer did to help us write our leads and endings. MR
  • We flash drafted our essays in order to make them look like essays and put all the parts together. CH
  • We read our essays backwards for spelling errors! WM
  • We are currently trying to answer the question: Do magnets have different strengths. We are doing this by conducting an experiment that will test different shapes of magnets, different sizes of magnets, and using multiple magnets to determine how many paper clips they will pick up. CJ
  • We started the SPROCHSTAR READING & ATTITUDE CHALLENGE. Every night we have a challenge that we are trying to meet! LD
  • We are reading partner books and looking for lessons and themes within them! CJ
  • When you are writing about a lesson your book is teaching you, it is important to use evidence from the text to prove your idea. We are using what we know about essays to help us write about lessons! JW
  • When you are writing about a lesson you have to say when you should do this and why you should do this! BV
  • We read the "Empty Pot" and "A Days Work" and we noticed they had the same theme but taught different lessons! JE
  • We are reading Land of Stories... Alex is started to get really weird and is acting out of character! Something BIG is about to happen! DR

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homework 12/10/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:

If you need to finish editing and revising your essay using your checklist, tonight is the last night to do so J

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 14th 
Unit 3, page 39
Use extra paper to show your thinking if needed.

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 14th 
*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

SAFETY PATROL- Share information with your parents and return to Miss Sproch or Ms. Newkirk by Thursday, December 17th

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Homework 12/9/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:

Choose two lenses to edit/revise your piece.

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 14th 
On a separate piece of paper answer the following problem:

Miss Sproch was working on putting the lights on her Christmas tree. She had 8 strands of lights that she pulled out of her decoration box. She noticed on each strand there were 64 lights. How many light bulbs in all will light up her Christmas tree?

After Miss Sproch plugged in the lights, she noticed a big problem. There were 39 light bulbs that did not light up! How many light bulbs were actually lit up?


Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 14th 

*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Homework 12/8/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:

Finish flash drafting your Literary Essay. We will begin editing and revising our drafts tomorrow using a checklist!

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 14th 

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 14th 

*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Homework 12/7/15 
We have all been enrolled in the SPROCHSTARS Reading & Attitude Challenge. See the updated challenges on the link:

You should have 3 leads drafted and 3 endings drafted. Star the ones that you are going to use for essay.

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 7th 

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 7th 

*If you finished, go back and try to make all sessions 5 stars OR practice typing making sure that your fingers are in the home row position.

Friday, December 4, 2015

November 30th- December 4th

  • We started writing mini stories and quotes to help us support our thesis statements for literary essays. LK
  • We finished reading our mentor texts and started writing our essays! DR
  • We started editing and revising our evidence to make sure it is strong and proves our points, just like lawyers do! AD
  • We are finding “just right quotes” to help us further our thesis statements. AA
  • Most of us finished drafting our evidence, but some of us will finish this weekend. LS

  • In math we learned how to revise our math thinking to make it better so we can publish it.
  • We are learning to divide three digit numbers. We can use multiplication and arrays to help us solve these problems. BV & JW
  • We learned to revise our math thinking by organizing our thinking, using labels, rechecking for accuracy, pushing ourselves to be efficient, and rereading the directions to make sure you answered all parts. GG, BV, WM, MR

  • Miss Sproch signed us all up for a SPROCHSTARS Reading and Attitude Challenge. We start next week! BW
  • We are paying attention to the lessons that our characters are learning in our stories. VS
  • We are setting goals for ourselves to help us talk long with our partners! We complimented ourselves on something that we are doing well and we created a goal for something we need to work on. BW & AD
  • We made a wish list for books that we would like in this classroom because Dr. Forshaw and Dr. Brenner are donating money to help us grow our library and fill it with books WE want to read! CH
  • We started a new read aloud, “Love that Dog.” JE

  • We conducted a new experiment where we had to make a hypothesis about which items in the room had nickel, iron/steel, or cobalt in them. We then tested the room to see where we could find them! MR
  • We learned that electromagnets takes electricity and turns it into energy. JW & WM
  • We learned that it is not safe to put magnets on electrical outlets or electronics. CL
  • We learned that anything that sticks to a magnet has a magnetic force field. LS

Homework 12/4/15 WEEKEND
Read, Log, and Jot
Continue growing ideas about lessons. Think about the ISSUES your character has and how they think about them, feel about them, or react to them. OR find when they make a critical decision to help you write long about possible lessons. Add your new thinking using a RED pen.
ALL MINI STORIES AND QUOTES SHOULD BE DRAFTED. YOU SHOULD HAVE A TOTAL OF 6 pieces of evidence. (One mini story for each support, and one quote for each support)

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 7th 

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 7th 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Homework 12/3/15
Read, Log, and Jot
Continue growing ideas about lessons. Think about the ISSUES your character has and how they think about them, feel about them, or react to them.  Add your new thinking using a GREEN pen.
**Make sure you read up to your partner goal first. You should still be reading 30-40 minutes for homework!**
Write mini stories.
Find JR quotes and write about them
You should have a total of 4 pieces of evidence drafted by tomorrow!

Xtra Math- 3 sessions DUE Monday, December 7th 

Typing Club- 2 sessions 15 minutes each DUE Monday, December 7th