Read 30 minutes (or more).
Keep track of your thinking- This should be in the section you created in your reading notebook for your fiction reading. It should have all your thinking for each book you read!
**Push yourself to work towards the goal you set for yourself. What do you need to do as a reader in order to achieve this goal?**
We are approaching the finish line quickly in writing! Tomorrow, we will begin publishing our first essays of the year! In order to publish you need to make sure that you have completed all parts of drafting. Tonight, spend more time editing your piece making sure that it is the best it can be. Use the checklist to help you!
There are several activities that you have been working on this week in word study. By Monday, you should have completed the following:
Open Word Sort
Spelling Sentences
ABC Order
Spelling & Math
Relate It!
Parts of Speech
Dictionary Check
and a Level 4 activity
X-tra Math Log- Starting today, we will be using a math log to keep track of the time we play on
X-tra Math throughout the week. You will need to play at least 3 sessions each week at home. You need to date each time you play and get a parent signature to confirm your played that day. Logs are due every Friday.
Practice your multiplication facts.
Field Trip $$ Due Friday, October 10th
Original Drawing for Yearbook Due Friday, October 24th