Friday, November 30, 2012

Homework Friday, November 30th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes in your JUST RIGHT book and log at HOME. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having and IDEAS you are growing. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.

WRITING WORKSHOP/WORD STUDY: Catch up if you need to. Blue Group: Study if needed!

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday

REPORT CARDS: Please share with your parents and have them return the envelope signed at their conference.

OTHER: Please bring old library books to school on Monday to return to the library!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homework Thursday, November 29th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log at HOME. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Put all of your post-its in your reading notebook.

WRITING WORKSHOP/WORD STUDY: Catch up if you need to. Blue Group: Study if needed!

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday

REPORT CARDS: Please share with your parents and have them return the envelope signed at their conference.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Homework

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday

REPORT CARDS: Please share with your parents and have them return the envelope signed at their conference.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Homework Tuesday, November 27th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WRITING WORKSHOP/WORD STUDY: Practice show not tell.

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday

REPORT CARDS: Please share with your parents and have them return the envelope signed at their conference.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Homework, Monday, November 26th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WRITING WORKSHOP/WORD STUDY: Draft two more leads for your realistic fiction story. Remember a strong lead begins with action, dialogue, and setting to create a mood. You can also think about starting at a different point in time or different place.

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday

REPORT CARDS: Please share with your parents and have them return the envelope signed at their conference.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Homework, Tuesday November 20th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday after the holiday!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Homework Monday, November 11th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday after the holiday!

See you tomorrow! :)

Computer Lab

Today in computer lab you will complete two That Quiz Tests. Everyone takes test A. If you get 95% on Test A, take Test B. If you get 94% or less take test C. Then go to Dreambox.

Multiplication A:

Multiplication B:

Multiplication C:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Week In Review 11/12 - 11/16

  1. Three people lost their teeth in less than 10 minutes yesterday. Julia, Garrett, and Cristian hopefully were paid a visit from the toothfairy last night! GS, SS
  2. We received one compliment and we are working harder to earn more than 1 a week! MA
  3. I finally turned in my word study this week! WS
  4. We are going to make our wish list at the book fair today. Some of us have already visited the book fair, but we are still excited to go again. AA & CO
  5. Senora Guillen came in to teach us Spanish yesterday. She taught us a song called, "Bobby and Maria." HP
  6. In writing workshop we started brainstorming ideas about our character by thinking about who they are on the inside and what they look like on the outside. We also were thinking about the attitude they have toward themselves and the attitudes others have toward them. HS, RB
  7. We started going to Mr. Seek's class for Science. We are studying food chains and food webs. We looked at what happens if you take one piece away from a system and how it will affect it. MA
  8. Some of us got new partners in math. In math, we are researching how many kids can be in a group if there are 100 kids and 13 chaperones. We are trying to use efficient strategies and models to show our thinking. We determined the differences between models and strategies and we are also trying to figure out which model will help us to solve division! CO. HP, FH
  9. The Veterans came to our school on Monday and we asked questions about their experiences and they answered us based on their experiences. DS
  10. We celebrated Ryan's birthday this week! His grandfather came in and it was also his birthday too! His grandfather read part of, "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon." GS & AA
  11. In Ida B., Ida is trying to apologize to Claire by going to the bathroom at the same time as her. She wants to be in a private place because she doesn't want to be humiliated by everyone. When Ida goes to the bathroom quickly, finished her business, opened the stall door and was standing directly in front of Claire! What will happen next... HP
  12. We had DreamBox players of the week. Our current top players are Garrett, Michael, Frank, Harrison, and Cristian. Who will be the top player of the week? How many hours did you play this week? RB & MW
  13. We started our math moments journal this week. This is where we have to find real math problems in our lives! We have the whole week to find a moment and our parents can help point out moments. GS & AA

Homework Friday November 15th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday!

SCIENCE: Finish any electricity or magnetism experiments and turn them in by Monday! This is your last chance! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Homework Thursday, November 15th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday!

Computer Lab

That Quiz. Complete the multiplication test. If you get a 95% or higher on the A. Multiplication 1-12 test, take B. Multiplication 1-20 test! If you get 94% or lower on the Multiplication 1-12 test, take the C. Multiplication Practice Test Use your tracking sheets to record your information. Make sure you write the test name that is given below.

A. Multiplication 1-12:

B. Multiplication 1-20:

C. Multiplication Practice(1-12):

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Homework Wednesday, November 14th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters.  Remember to push yourself to make predictions! Think about what your character will do next and how they will go about doing it! Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it. Also, place your prediction post it in your notebook. This is a total of 2 post-its!
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework Tuesday 11/13/12

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.
WORD STUDY: Please bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals Due Monday!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Ryan!

A little birthday celebration with the Blatney's! A special happy birthday to your grandfather!

Homework Monday November 12th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.
WORD STUDYPlease bring home and catch-up if needed. Due Wednesday

MATH: Math Moments & 50 minutes of Dreambox. Log the games played on Dreambox. Logs and Journals  Due Monday!

SCIENCE: Finish up questions if needed. DUE TOMORROW!
Happy Birthday Ryan! I hope your birthday is out of this world!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week In Review 11/5 - 11/9

  1. Everyone got to wear our costumes to school today! Lots of friends wore something crazy. FH & RB
  2. We had our first day of snow this year! Most of us didn't lose power for the snow storm. MW
  3. In gym, we had our flexibility test and we had to reach to our toes. CV
  4. We had three 90-minute delays this week! GS
  5. We had our first Spanish lesson yesterday. She taught us how to say, "What is your name?" in Spanish. "Como te llamas?" AA
  6. We are finishing up our electricity experiments today. They are due on Monday! WS
  7. We didn't earn a compliment again this week, but we know what we need to do in order to earn one. We still need 5 more compliments to get our whole class reward. MA & HP
  8. Our Veteran's Day celebration has been postponed until Monday. WS
  9. We had our Halloween Party! We made turkeys out of pumpkins. We used feathers, googly eyes, and model magic. We got flashlights and told our power outage stories in the dark. KC, AC, HP
  10. In Ida B this week, we learned how Claire and her little brother Ray found Ida's signs. They thought they were jokes and Ida B. was really angry. Ray ran away, but Claire stood her ground. She told Ida B that she was mean because you shouldn't yell at people who are nice to you. AA
  11. We had school on Monday and Election Day. Most schools were not open. MW

Homework Friday November 9th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.

SCIENCE: If you need to catch up on your experiment, please bring this home.

OTHER: Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE on MONDAY, November 12th for our Veteran's Day Celebration.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homework Thursday, November 8th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.

MATH: Using Models as Tools to Think and Prove Our Answers. SEE SHEET.

SCIENCE: If you need to catch up on your experiment, please bring this home.

OTHER: Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE on MONDAY, November 12th for our Veteran's Day Celebration.

OTHER: Wear your costume to school tomorrow! You cannot have – masks, weapons, scary or gore-y costumes, excessively large or cumbersome outfits / accessories.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

HOMEWORK Wednesday, Nov 7th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.

WRITING WORKSHOP: Observe your life, people you know and the world for ordinary small moments. Record these moments and turn them into possible fiction stories. SEE SHEET

SCIENCE: If you need to catch up on your experiment, please bring this home.

OTHER: Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE on MONDAY, November 12th for our Veteran's Day Celebration.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homework, Tuesday November 6th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.
WORD STUDY: Due Wednesday. Please bring home and catch-up if needed.

OTHER: Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE on MONDAY, November 12th for our Veteran's Day Celebration.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Homework Monday, November 5th

READING: Read for 30+ minutes and log. Remember to stop and jot down your thoughts you are having about your characters. Take your best post it, and stick it in your reading notebook with the date next to it.
WORD STUDY: Due Wednesday. Please bring home and catch-up if needed.

OTHER: Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE on THURSDAY for our Veteran's Day Celebration.

Scholastic News: Read the cover article, "Where They Stand." Answer "News Graph" on the back of the issue.