Monday, February 27, 2012

HOMEWORK 2/27 - 3/2

READING: Remember each night you are required to read for a total of 35 minutes. Remember to date each entry and fill in ALL spaces EACH time you read.  As you read, remind yourself to stop and jot either on Post-Its or in your reading notebook.
Our goal is to play 40-45 minutes this week. This week you will continue exploring Fractions and Decimals and also work on preparation for CMT's. Try to split your time up to work on both.
Try to choose games that you need extra practice with or try to challenge yourself!

Decimals Related to Fractions: Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals
Decimals Related to Fractions(leveled): Fruit Shoot
Extra Games:

CMT Practice:
CMT Practice:

SOCIAL STUDIES: Finish SE drafts if not done already, edit/revise, and publish.
Final drafts are DUE: Friday, March 2nd.

Remember to fill them out as you go along and make sure your parents sign them!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

HOMEWORK 2/13 - 2/17

READING: Remember each night you are required to read for a total of 30 minutes (15 minutes NF and 15 minutes F). Remember to date each NF entry (boxes and bullets OR character traits/wants/struggles/lessons learned) in Reader's Notebook.
PRESENTATIONS are this Thursday, February 16th. Please make sure you are prepared :)

MATH: Look through your Topic 9 Show What You Know and fix any problems you might have gotten wrong. Write a reflection and have your parent sign it. Your assessment is Due: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th.

Our goal is to play 40-45 minutes this week. This week you will continue exploring Fractions.
Try to choose games that you need extra practice with or try to challenge yourself!

Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers:
Application of Fractions:
Comparing Fractions: Dirt Bike Comparing Fractions
Decimals Related to Fractions: Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals
Decimals Related to Fractions(leveled): Fruit Shoot
Extra Games:

LOGS ARE DUE: MONDAY, February 27th.
Make sure your parents sign them! :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week in Review 2/6/12 -2/10/12

1. We are going to teach our nonfiction projects to different classrooms! -EK
2. There is 4 days until Valentine's Day! -EM
3. In fourth grade we collected 100 jars of jelly and peanut butter AND 200 boxes of cereal! We donated it to Fairfield County Food Bank. -RP
4. In writing workshop we are publishing our essays!- RM
5. Student Council had their first meeting today and we made valentines for veterans. -DT
6. Our next reading unit is book clubs and will get new reading partners! -JA & QG
7. We started new word study groups! -EM
8. We are trying to earn model citizen time this week! -OM
9. It is almost time for February break! -CC
10. We started CMT prep. -LG
11. We finished War Horse. Joey and Albert were reunited again! - RM

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine’s Day
 We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day Tuesday, February 14th. Please make sure that each member of our class receives a valentine. Be creative when making/finding your valentines for friends in the class. Does your friend like jokes? Write a personalized or favorite joke of yours. Does your friend like to read? Make them a bookmark! Think of other creative ways to show your friends you care!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Computer Lab 2/8/12

Good Afternoon!!
Please remember to read over all of the directions as you go.

1. That Quiz: Please complete that quiz on multiplication and fractions. You should use the numbers on the side of the keyboard to help you. Make sure that your NUM LOCK is turned on. There is also a review on the Northeast and Southeast states.
Fractions: Determine whether the fraction is greater than, less than or equal to.

Multiplication: You will have 2 minutes to answer 50 multiplication problems.

NE and SE Review:
Drag the state name to the accurate state.

2. Research and collect information for your Southeast travel adventure story. Remember that you want to "show not tell" your reader accurate information about the southeast region. Use the questions you started to develop in class to further your research.
Helpful Websites:
Fact Monster:
Georgia- http://www.State.Ga.US/
Kentucky- or
North Carolina-
South Carolina-
Tennessee- or
West Virginia-

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework Addition 2/7/11

WRITING: If you need to work on cementing your essay, adding transitions, or writing introductions and conclusions please do so tonight.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Homework 2/6 - 2/10

READING: Remember each night you are required to read for a total of 30 minutes (15 minutes NF and 15 minutes F). Remember to date each NF entry (boxes and bullets OR character traits/wants/struggles/lessons learned) in Reader's Notebook.

MATH: Look through your assessment and fix any problems you might have gotten wrong. Write a reflection and have your parent sign it. Your assessment is Due: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th.

Our goal is to play 40-45 minutes this week. This week you will explore Fractions. Try each game at least once.

Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers:
Application of Fractions:
Comparing Fractions: Dirt Bike Comparing Fractions
Decimals Related to Fractions: Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals
Decimals Related to Fractions(leveled): Fruit Shoot

Extra time OR want to try a new game? Play any of these FRACTION GAMES on site below:

LOGS ARE DUE: MONDAY Make sure your parents sign them! :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Week In Review 2/3/12

1. We celebrated Miss Sproch's birthday. Sam and Davis decorated my desk and smartboard! -HD
2. We started a new unit in math learning about perimeter geometric shapes. -CC
3. In reading we are becoming experts learning about a topic of our choice. We are going to get to teach anouther class! - RM
4. We have two new student council representatives (Davis and Elizabeth)- EK
5. We earned extra recess on Wednesday.- EM
6. We finished drafting our essays on to editing and revising! -QG
7. We received the 2013 Nutmeg nominees! -JP
8. Today is Spirit Day and we are all wearing jerseys from our favorite teams! -RP
9. This weekend is the superbowl! -OM
10. We voted on the blog who was going to win the Superbowl! -RM
11. On Monday, it will be the 100th day of school. -EM
12. Joey and Albert got back together! -LG
13. We are making estuaries in science. -JA
14. We are one compliment away from earning a whole class reward! -OM
15. We are having an author celebration with Mrs. Rongoes class!- EM

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Student Council Representatives

A special thank you to Colleen and Patrick for representing our class in student council. Congratulations to our new student council representatives, Elizabeth and Davis!

Superbowl XLVI

Superbowl XLVI is on Sunday, February 5, 2012. Who do you think will win, New England Patriots or New York Giants? Vote in our class poll (on sidebar) and watch on Sunday for the results!

Six More Weeks of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means 6 more weeks of winter!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Groundhog Day

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day!
Although it now seems as if every town (or at least every state) has its own “official” groundhog prognosticator (Connecticut has Chuckles who resides at the Lutz Children’s Museum in Manchester), the largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where crowds estimated to be as large as 40,000have gathered to celebrate the holiday since at least 1886.

Legend has it if the groundhog sees its shadow there will be six more weeks of winter, but if the critter does not see its shadow it will be an early spring.
When Phil comes out of his cozy burrow in Punxsutawney at 7:20 tomorrow morning, what do you think the verdict will be?

Vote in today's poll and have a happy Groundhog Day. See Poll on sidebar!